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Secrets of the embrace. Making you aware of how Tango must be learned
Véliz Rubén / Maril Karina Soledad
ISBN: 978-9870271178
COLOFÓN: 2014-02-14
192 páginas


A lot has been written about the history, origin, and poetry of tango, but there are few examples of study material that can be applied to its direct dance practice. Therefore, in order to unify the experience and the teaching line he has been developing, and due to the need of organizing and providing the information the student needs to understand this dance, the author decided to write this essay. The aim of this material is to help people understand the body and how to prepare it so that Tango can find us in a more conscious and functional state. After all, Tango is a dance, and the dance is movement, and the movement, must be done in a conscious way to do it properly. Moreover, Tango should find us better prepared for the most important ingredient of this genre: “To be in an absolute harmony with the music and with the person with whom we are dancing”.

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