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Planning as Narrative
Casamassima Myrian
ISBN: 978-9870298267
COLOFÓN: 2017-09-28
208 páginas
Educación - Didáctico


Planning as Narrative seeks to answer some of the questions that trainees often ask themselves when planning a unit of work during teaching practice at Teacher Training College. Since this is a book primarily conceived for teacher education, it addresses the conceptual framework within which planning develops, but it puts forth a change of perspective by introducing novel concepts. The planning process of a unit of work is thus discussed, described and guided. The examples in this book come from teaching practice at state secondary schools in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The scope of Planning as Narrative extends beyond Teacher Training College to include all those in-service teachers who wish to continue thinking about how to plan their work at secondary school, though not exclusively, as the generalities of planning can be applied to further levels of education and learning contexts. These teachers will find as well in this book renewed ideas, guidance and reflection tasks for their planning. Planning as Narrative uses analogy to make trainees and teachers come closer to the planning process in pursuit of contributing to the enhancement of English Language Learning.

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